You want the
I've got the

scoop ...

does this sound like you right now?
You lack the energy you need to get through your day
You battle with feeling bloated & puffy
You're uncomfortable with how you look & feel in clothes
You hide from being in photos with friends & family
You're frustrated with the lack of progress on the scale
You don't feel you have enough time to devote to your health
You're confused about what to eat or not to eat

hey girl
I see you trying to balance life, work, and everything in between while aiming to reach your health & fitness goals. It's tough trying to shed pounds and tone up simultaneously, isn't it? Because of that, I've created 2 programs that separate your goals so you get faster results with building sustainability no matter how busy you are! I do this by giving you a proven blueprint to lose fat and sculpt your body with coaching and individualization. Let's make your fitness journey a success story, together.


Hi, I'm Amie
Your realist weight loss Registered Dietitian here to give you the weight loss scoop. I transform busy women's lives by teaching them about sustainability, you can call me a weight loss superhero, if you will. The majority of my life is spent talking about food, thinking about food, or eating food. A true foodie at heart!
I am a breath of fresh air with an abundance of love, passion, and support to give to women who are ready to finally lose the weight and keep it off, sustainably.
XO, Amie, MS, RD

the scoop

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Join my FREE Facebook group today, if you'd like to be in a community of women who want to lose weight sustainably. You'll find fat loss tips, and tasty recipes sprinkled with educational inspiration to make changes to improve your health "The Weightloss Scoop" way! See you in the group!